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Fifth Sunday of Lent 2015

You offer new covenant, Lord,
with heaven and earth reshaped,
to indicate its sweep,
no longer assuring victory and peace,
for this must shape
both mind and heart,
and all the inner sphere
epulsing thrusts of suffering,
to fashion training ground
of God’s techniques,
complying with and obeying
his covenant’s renewing.

This covenant of unlimited resources,
promoting me a privileged partner,
gifts lavished as to an infant,
conveying stores for remaking,
with payment just a word of thanks,
consoled he cannot remember sins.

The covenant change required
of the good and loving Master
is death upon a tree;
once lifted
he will hold his arms flung open
to draw companions of compliance,
until like him they learn
to surrender life with unfaltering trust
of Abba’s promise of the third day,
or when God is ready to act.

Instead of defeating enemies,
this salvation covenant
achieves a conquest of self,
the fear of torments and pain
and final dissolution.
We find union with our brother,
the tomb another womb
for life that admits no ending,
directed by the covenant
of a Lord who is lifting us higher.

March 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.

Inspirations for theAdvent-Christmas cycle
are still available.