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Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary

Though filled with uplifting happiness
disciples of Jesus pondered a riddle,
how could they make the people aware
that Mary stayed in absence,
no longer their inspiring
participant of ecclesia?
She fell asleep, we can admit,
awakening in the arms of her son.

That tells it all, if they accept,
and we can stress without contradiction,
the Lord can do it, and he did.

Recalling his descent from David, 
this birth from Mary of Nazareth,
provided him the manliness of prophecy
from her acquiescence to God,
then her cooperation
proved as necessary as a bird its wings,
or else it were no bird,
so if he walked in mortal shape,
her body was the mold,
deserving now a comfort linked to his,
so it was meet he take her home
to bring her close to Abba’s arms,
as he sang with joy over what she had done.

Our instruction will confirm
this honor lay within the power
of what the Lord could bring about,
agreeing his body made possible
his choice to serve and care
for all his brothers and sisters,
now culminating in sharing joy
with the body birthing his own.
So we find cause to celebrate
and revel in her body’s joy,
by letting our limbs find gift like his
in quivering to serve and offer tenderness,
with celebration taking place
this moment and eternally.

August 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See the reflections from the Lent-Easter series here.
Advent-Christmas reflections are also online.