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The mercy of the Holy Year
appears without any courtiers,
no diplomats
to make the way more easy,
acclaiming mercy’s attractions,
no paladins to parade the prowess 
of the prince of virtues
called mercy.

So mercy sounds
like the might of God,
the Lord of hosts, invincible.
Can mercy claim
the equal strain of victory
when facing spiritual forces?

If mercy matches,
the terrible might of God,
who would dare deny
its magnificent performance
or unconquerability?

The Holy Year
holds no competition with Advent
in its announcing
the Messiah’s long-delayed birth,
for mercy is simply proclaimed
preparers present
for the prophesized birth,
a seven-slate pronouncement,
acclaiming the allurements
of the child to be born,
“O Wisdom, Key, Dawn,”
can mercy match the challenge?

In drawing near
the Messiah makes announcement,
prepared for by the centuries,
and now shows up to express
a full revelation of the Father,
so without the O’s and hidden meanings,
we see that mercy is the Father’s name.

December 20, 2015
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See reflections from Ordinary Time here.
Also see reflections from the Lent-Easter series here.