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 The Feast of the Holy Family

Age eight, Melissa
had theological perplexities,
in wondering, if she prayed
to the Holy Family altogether,
would each respond
or would they delegate
just one to answer her prayer?

To test the question
Melissa prayed
her father would act
more kindly tonight.
On coming home from work
he petted the dog
and gently greeted
and hugged his wife,
he had Melissa tell her day,
and even said
he liked the dinner.

In saying prayers that night,
Melissa sensed
all three of the Holy Family folk
were active in answering her prayer:
with Joseph overall involved,
but Mary for the cooking badge,
and Jesus for the wagging dog.

Melissa’s dream that night
was filled with a child’s delight,
to feel the warmth
of Mary’s smile,
the gentle pat
of Joseph’s hand,
and the happy skip
that Jesus made in tagging her,
a pleasant dream
from one small prayer.

December 2014
Bonaventure Stefun, OFM Cap.

See more reflections here.